i’m in the flow

i’m on the frequency i’m on the
frequency of god i’m tuned in tapped in turne don i’m

feeling the flow of life the flow of god
i’m turning my fous to

toward god i’m tuning myself to
the vibration of god i tune myself
to the

vibration to the feeling of god i tuen

tune in the the magci

i’m tuned into the magic
i’m tuned into the magick

i’m tuned into the magick
i’m tuned in i’m tapped in
i’m turned on

it feels good to feel good
it feels good to feel the
flwo to feel the flow of life
to feel the feelin

to choose the feeling first
to remember the feeling of god

i’m here


remembering the flofw

flow of god the feeling of god i feel t
he feeling the feeling of god i feel
the feeling of god i feel

feeling of go di feel
i feel tapped in i feel the energy the
perfect energy

of god

the monetary evidence
appears when there is righteousness

right way

way of love

connected to god no resistance
and that’s the truth i know this

through life expereince
i know this i know this i know that
life is working out for me i love

that life is flowing through and to me
i love selling our books!!

i love ordres i love making good work i love

making good work feeling good about
my work knkowing that

knowing that my work helps people
and that’s all that matters

in the flow in the feeling in the
flow in the feeling of
magick in the flow

in the feeling of magick in the
feeling of magick

tuned into how i feel
tuned into my thoughts

aware of my thoughts aware of the
version i’m creating

i’m aware of the ho

of how i feel because how
i feel creates and i look

for what i want to see i look
for what i want to

i feel for i feel for it
and i know it i choose to know it
and i choose

to show up for love to
show up for miracles

you can’t have

a miracle

and a grudge

u lve

i love that i know this and that it’s

easy for me
to remember to show up for love

thought the

though the ego doesn’t want that
i know that the
ego is wrong

and god is right

the feeling of love is right

the feeling of hate
is ‘wrong’

it is not in alignment with god
i love that i know this i love

letting go totally and feeling god flowing thorugh me

through me i love that i feel energized by this work

knowing that this

is the only work

i know all that matters is how i feel
and the grid fills in i love that i now

i know this i love feeling the ceratinty
certainty i love that life
is good i lov th

that there’s always more than
enough i love that


i feel good i feel good
i feel good i feel
good i feel good i feel good

i feel good i feel good i feel good
i feel good i feel

good i feel good in this here and now
i feel good connected to god rememberint

to say yes to the miralces

miracles just keep saying yes
just keep saying yes and trust

lifes ability

to flow through me i trust the feeling
i trust the freqency

i trust howi fee

i love that i know i love that
life is good for me i love that

i know this i love that i know i can let
go completely and allow god to flow through me i love
that i now everything

i know everything is me and i can say
yes i say yes

to the opportunities

i say yes to life flowing my way
i say yes to the miracles i say yes to the miracles i

say yes i say yes i say yes
to life as if low

flows through me i nkow that
that life is how i feel right now

i know that life is how if eel right
how i feel right now i

i am aware of how i feel i am
aware of how i feel

really how i feel and i take
responsibility because i know those emotions

create i love that i know
i know this i love that i am

allowing the energy to flow through me
allowing the god energy to flow through me

i know that 17 seconds of connectoin

can change the entire trajectory of my life
i kow that life is always happening in my favor
i know this

i know i am the one and only
creator i know that it’s easy
i know that it’s easy to create momentum
behind a thought i know that
it’s easy to feel good it’s good to feel good

it’s good to feel good it’s good to feel good
it’s good

to feel good and my only job
is to feel good i love that i nkow thiss
i love that i remember
this i love that life
is good i love that i know

i love that i kno i love

i love that i feel connectedi lo
i love that i’m connected in this here and now

i love that i know miracles
are everywhere i love that i now
they are happening constantly

i love that i feel energized through the
flow through god flowing through me and i know

that i am god i know that it’s
me and when i think things

they are

i know there’s no separatin
i know

reality isn’t ‘what is’
i know

that it can change at any moment
i ilove that it’s always
changing i love that i feel this i love
that i feel the

vibration of god