feels like i had good dreams

which means i was at peace in my sleep
which means i went to bed at peace
and i know i did because i did the work

it feels good to wake up in the dream
to be aware of the energy it feels good
to focus on how i want to feel and feel
practiced at not allowing
doubtful, fearful, or resistant thoughts to enter

it feels like i do start holding my breath
when i smoke
like the fear the paranoia creeps in

and then it’s like would i b
e better off sober

it feels good to not need anyting
to feel good in my l ife
life right now it feels good to
feel good in my life right now and
feel the feeling of peace and when i build pp


when i build up this feelig of peace when i build
up this feeling of peace
it lasts longer and long it’s a

like a drug that
when you take it
you need less and less of it
to get high

the more you take it
the less you need

self love is the only drug that
the more you take it the

it the less you need

i love mysle fi love
i love myself for getting out
of bed!!!

i did it and i am out here celebrating that
i got out of bed and

decided to start the day by leaning inot the
inot into the flow and i can feel that
it helped that i did the work last night to allow
myself with source it feelsg ood i

it feels like being able to trust
what is and not resist it ifeels
it feels good to trust what is

it feels good for someone
to say

i thought about you

it feels good to love to
easily just come back to love and

feel the freedom of that it feels good
to come back to love

it feels free

it feels free to love it feels good
to feel good to make the choicde t

to feel good about that

i’m doing it!!

something happened that i didn’t
and i decided to feel good about it
and trust it and look for what
it might be bringing

and that is the habit i want to be in i love
being in the habit of noticing feeling
bad and then choosing to feel how i want to feel




the circumstances

it feels good to love it feels
good to love to love to know that all i cn

can ever do is
inspire from within
all i can ever do is inspire from

it feels good to let go of th rest and
allow life to flow it feels good to

to feel good it feels good to feel
good it eels

feels good to feel good to feel

good it feels good

thank you for the feeling for the
rememberign feeling that the love

is always there the feeling is always there
and the perfect moment to feel it

is here and now i love that
i get to feel it right now i love
that i get to feel it rightno wi l

i love that i get to feel it rightnow i love
that i ge tto feel

to feel good in this here and now i love
that i get to love me
inthis here and now i love taht

that i get to love me i this
this here and now i love the power of the focus and making
the choicet o do t

to do the work here and now

i am

i am already perfect how i am and i’m not
afraid of that i am brave enought o em

to embrace

to embrace

my perfection to allow myself to embrace
my perfection

i embrace that i am already perfect how and

how i am and this helps me do the work
it feels good to feel improvement it feels good
to feel improvement it feels good to

to feel good to feel good to remember that
all that mattes is

is feeling good and the rest i cn just
practice not giving a fuck
and when i do
it all unfolds


thank you thank you thank you for this

thank you thank ou
thank you and i love that i know i am already perfect

i do this work to remember how easy it is to
enjoy this here and now i do this work

to remember how easy it is to

enjoy this here and now this here and now
i remember how good it feels in this
here and now to choose to choose to choose

to choose it feels good to make th choice
the choice and remember i’m not a victim it feels good to amke
to make the choice to
lead by example

it feels good to feel fearless and ngaf

it feels good to embody those feelings i this
this here and now and feel

literally feel my vibration

i come back here to
talk to myself to remember who i am
what i relaly

really want out of life

and to let of of the

untrue version i’ve created along
with the collective consciousness

today i renounce myu


right now i renounce my humanhood and that
feels good that feels free

i can let go of all the error thoughts
and just focus on my god self

mky ma

mky m

my magick self
and tha’ts a lot more fun

it’s alot

a lot more fun to choose how
i want to feel how i want my life to unfold
it feels good to be in a place of looking for the magick
it feeels good to it feels good to look for the magick it feels good

to look for the magick
it feels good to choose the feeling it feels good
to allow life to unfold

to send the signal of yes
to send the siganl of

yes and know that is all ic an
can ever do

it feels good to focus in one place
to let go of the rest it feels good to e

let go of the rest to

renounce my humanhood
it feels good to feel the spiritual realm
to focus on the spirit realm
and know this
is all that matters

it feels good to find it in myslef
to find god in me it feels good to find
god in me and feel it

it feels good to feel god in me
to feel the

the power of my observations and
expectations it feels good to remember


is the only work and

let everything else go
it feels good to remember how i feel is
the only work and the

or the shit that happens

matters none

because i can always feel good i can
always connect with source and feel
good about life

that is my natural state

feeling good and trusting life
is my dominant state
and it feels good to feel the confidence of knowing
that when i ask

it is given it feels good
for life
to give me the chance to choose

it feels good to know the magick of life
to say every time

it’s getting better
and know it’s true
it feels good to know this
to have access to this feelig

it feels good to do the work
and feel better to feel at ease to do the work

to let go to exhale