grateful for this perfect moment

so grateful for life flowing to me
so grateful to be in the flow to feel
energized by the flow to know that i can
choose to love myself right now in any right
now and feel filled up by that felling

so graetful to choose love right now

to choose life right now

i’m in the zone
i’m on the frequency and that’s all it is

tell reality what you want to see

be the dom
of your reality tell it like it is
liek you already know it is

yes thank you

god is lavish
unfailing abundance the rich omnipresent
substance of the universe

this all providing sourcce of infintei prosperity
is individualized as me

the reality of me

god is lavish unfailing
abundance the rich omnipresent substance of the

this all profici

providing source of infinite prosperity
is individualized a sme

the reality of me

i’m on the frequency of god
i’m on he fr

the re
frequency of god i’m connected the
feeling of knowing is the feeling of knowing
is on and that’s all it takes

everything is created in the moemt o

moment of alignment with it
and i know that ai can always

feel for alignment
i can always feel the way god would feel i can
feel the way god would feel i love that i know this

i know this is my work and this is my magick
i love that i kno wi love that
i know that

reality is the print out but the real
design is in the emotins

i love that i know this
i love that i know tht

that everything is a print out

i know that life is the print out
of the emotions and i love that i
get to connect with how i feel i love

connected to the prsent moment
to the present moment

i’m connected to the spirit
world to the god self i know that i am

god i know that i get to decide

it’s that easy
just decide

and i’m realizing that i keep asking for
something specific

but i don’ tneed it to be that way
i just want

my life

the way it is
so its like

just keep focusing on the things i like
about my life

and that’s what i’ll get more of

i don’t have to worry about attracting moey
i can just pay attention to what i already like
about my life choose gratitude for it
and by placeing
my attention on it

i will see more of it

that is law

that is law that is sciednce


that is the law of the universe

i look for what i want to see
attention creates

i love making new work i love se


so grateful for the subs we already have
i love siitting on the porch i love iced coffee

i love my cats and my beautiful wife i love
the feeling of sweetness after just waking up

i get to decide

on everything

i can just say
i would prefer and then it
is and my only work is
to remember that i love that i know
this and i love that i now

this is my only work i lo

i’m celebrating life
becaus this is my only work
i celebrate life
because this is my only work
i allow the

miracles i choose love
and then the miralces flow

i love that i know this i love that i know this
and life life

allows me to learn to
tap more and more into my magick
i love that life

i love that life helps me to understand my power


it’s me it’s me
it’s me i get to decide and i never
have to wonder

i just say what it is then

realx in the in
relax in the knowing
let go

of everything and relax in the knowing
of right now

i love that i can always
relax in the knowing of


relax in the knowledge
that it’s all me and there’s
no separation
i get to feel the feeling now i get to feel the
feeling now i get

i get to choose i get to choose

so greateful
grateful for this moment for the power

of me for everything working out in
my faovr

favor for the powr of

power of choice for the power of m

magick for the power of knowing

i get to choose ig

i get to choose i come here to remember that
i come

here to feel the feeling of god
to feel how god would feel

god doesn’t care either way
i love that i can instantly feel that feeling
and know that is the

feeling of life i can always access that

choosing the feeling of god hco

choose to feel how god would feel

to feel when god would feel

god is lavish unfailing
abundance the rich omnipresent substance
of the universe this all providing

source of infinite prosperity
is individualized as me
the reality of me i love that
i know this

for a fact i love that i know this
is true and i can sit back and
enjoy li

i love that i can just say thank you for
everything that is i love remembering who i m

am remembering the powe of me
in every moment

i get to choose i get to chose
i get to choose

i get to choose i love that i am taken
care of i love that i know i am
everything and that

arranges itself around me
i love that i know this

i know that life
is always

i know that it’s always
arranging itself around the
signal i’m projecting i love
that i know thiss i love
that i know
an di can just
feel my way through life

knwoing th

knowing that when i have a desire
it is satisfied