i am in a god mood

today im in a god mood today i am in a god mood today
i allow the magick of life to flow through me today
i allow god to do the work
today i release the rest and allow god to do the work

today i release the rest i release and feel the god self the magick self
today i get to feel the magick self

its esayt o be in a god mood to do this work a
nd be in a god mood what does tit ment to

to be in a god mood it means

it rust e
i trust everything that thappen
happens i say yes to everything that happens

i say yes to the flow and let go do anything
i release resistance
i know that its easy to release resistance

and i can already feel the god returning becaus today im
in a god mood today im
in a god mood im in a god mood im in the modod

mood god would be in

i lovve getting to work on mywelse
myself i love that i now that the god mood is alrey
alawys right here with me and

i get to let go of the rest
nowing that knowing that the only

today im in a god mood and it feels good
today im in a god mood and it
feels good to feel the way god would

so grateful i can help
so grateful
i have the time and resourcce

sgrateful i know there’s not bottom
to the love god can give through me
i know the

i know its only this work and i now that its wa
as easy as releaseing resistance

i know this work i know ths work band
and its not work its not work

its the pathless path
i know the pathless path
and its easy to let go and sink
into it its easy tnotot

not to care when i know its not up to me
i know that god never resistancce

resists and today im in god mood

today im in a god mood im looking at it how god wook
i want to have a good day so i clean it up within i make the time to eal

clean it up within
i make the tiem to do the work to move the energy to allw the

energy to move through the god energy to move through me a
nd its way to

easy to love when i dont care
its esay
to love for not reaosn

no reason its eas to
to loe without reason

the work is so eay and its not work the work
is so easy and its not even work

i love when i can breathe easy i love breathing is
easy i love that i can just breathe i can

relax and breathe i know i can always
releax and breateh
and come back to cnetr

its eay to be in a god mood
its easy to

let everything go its easy to

i dont have to try
i dont have to do
dont have wto

to wondder
just know just know god loves me
just know i am god

just now there is no limit
to how good i can fooe

feel there is no limite
to how good i can feel and thiw so

this work hlps me direct my attention there
i kno wthat i can choose love i know that i can

choose love i know that i can

direct gods love iknow its not me
i know tis not me

i kno tit snot

today i release the cork and it feels so
good that is the only work
i have to do today and its fun

its fun to release the cork
its fun to fee llife rise

its fun to feel the resitance

fun to feel the other side of the wave
its fun to clean it it up
its fun to

get into the vortex
and remembe what i really am
is so

its so fucn to get in the vortex


its fun to release the cork and
that’s all i can ever do

so gratefulfor the

god self within alays g
calling me i know