i can do it

i can do this work i can
bring the fcous ba

back i can release ther
the focus back i can milk the feeling
feel the feeling i can

i feel the feeling i feel the
feeling i feel the

i can do it i can do this work i can
remember this feeelng i remember this feeling

i remember this knowledge
i remember this poer power i remember this power i remember this

loe i rememeber

i remember this release i can feel this release

i feel the love of the release i feel the feeling

of ghte
the release i feel the release of love

the feeling of me the feeling of me

feelig of methe

feeling of the releae the feeling of the release the
feeling of the
release the feeling
of the release

the feeling of the release

i can do it i can do this work
i can do this this this this work

this work
this moment the work in this moment
the love in this moment
the release in this moment the

god in this moment the god in this moment
the remembering in this moment

i can do this work and remember bliss

i do this work to remember bliss

i do this work can remember bliss
i know bliss i know knowig

i know god i know the feeling of god and
ic an cchoose it any time
for any reason

its is

is always her with me it always is me
and i get to choose the feeling
always right here and now

i can breath i can release

i ca

i m it am i am it ia m this work i am lo
ia m lov i love

where i am right now i love
where i am right now i love

i am right now i love where ia m right now

i let it all go because ia m the one
and only creator

i can do this wor kand
trsut go i love that i get to get out of the way