i choose

i choose the feeling of th
me the feeling of my i am i choose the feeling of me
and life follows is

its all that easy its all that eay just
cchoost he
the feeling i want to feel and i never hve to allow
anything to affect me becausee its not real
and its not how god feels nits
its not how god feels i know that i an
can ap

accept anything beecausee i can always choose how i feel

i choose the focus of me i choose the
ccenter of my a
i am i choose wha ia m i chio

i choose what i am i choose what iam
i choose

wha i am i am the creator of me i choose ia m the creator of me i
am the

of m i
i get to allow the feeling of yes to buidl within me i get to
allow he feeling of yes to fuilg
within em
i get to cl

i choose i choose i am the creator of me
of my life experienc ei get to choose to allow
the best i cho
get to choose to allow god to never have to

wonder to dive into life feeling the
feeling knwoing that it cn ocme from anythin

anywhere that i never know ho it
it comes be
aaut i get to feel ti i ca
get to realx into it

i get to feel it no one else no one else
is in charge of ho i feel i get to stand up to my

thougths i get to be my own erson get to remember ia m my own person
so gratful to rememer who and hat i am
to remember who and what i am

so grateful to remember who and what i am

to remember woh and what i am

i want to feel good i want to enjoy my life
i want to see

see eidence evidence of how life my

good my life is i love how food
good my life is i love hta ti know
im loved and cared for i love tha t
i know i know tha ti know the power of me i love
that i know

i love that i know the power ofme i love that i now the power
i love that

i get to choose the feeling of god i love
i know god is lavish unfailing abundance
i love that i get to choose

to feel the bliss tha is always there that is
always there behind the thoughts i get to chosoe to feel it now
i get totru

turn awareness on itself i get to feel it now

i love letting go of caring

i drive with the feeling i drive
with the feeling i drive with the feelin

i get tochoose how i feel i get to
release i get to feel the magic that a

thats all i want to feel magicka lin my life to
go e

to enjoy life tno not thing anything is missing to know the
real maigc
of lfie to get to feel good to release the reat and
just feel good to enjoy life

to enjoylife to enjoy life
to get to enjoy life
i feel the feeling i feel
the inkling and i know the inkling bulds

i can just focus on the inkling i can
just focus on the inkling i can just focus on
the inkling i can jsut live life free

but i can always drive with the feeling
i can always drive with the feeling
i can always drive with the feeling

i can always drive with the feeling
i can always drive with the

the feeling i love that i ge tto look for god
get to feel for god and i kwo that god is always right there

let it all go let all the control go

remember the only control is letting go
remember the only contrl lis letting go

the only control is letting go

the only control is letting go
is feelign for my power

feeling for the only truth

i love enjoying the dayi love
feeling good in class feeling good in my body
i love feelin noursiehd and eating good fu

i love the ease and flow i love
the feeling of making good worki

i love feeling the magic seeing the magic

right in front og of me i love htat
ti flows i love that i can say eys to it say yes to life

i can say yes to life

i love i love doing this work i love
feeling the feeling of knwoing

of abundane of trustin what comes my weay
o ffeeling my heart soften of loving life

i love
i miss the feeling of jsut enjoying life as it is
i love that i ge tto enjoy lif e

as it is i get to enjoy life i
as it is i gt to enjoy life as it is

i get to enjoy life as it
i love the feeling of loing the day of knowign life love me i love
the feeling of letting it in
of letting int he abundance

the focus the focus
the focus

i get to feel good about myself
i get to be on some new shit i get to be on some
new shit i get to make good work
i ge tto celebrate life i get to have fun

i get to enjoy life i get to allow the
enjoyment of life to flow through me
i ge tto relax i get to feel the feeling i get to let that go for a little bit

place my entire focus on the god wtihin
within i place my entire focus on the god wtihi

i place my entire focus
on the god within

as the only cause of my prosperity