i get to feel good i get to release the mind
of its constant need to create miserty i
i get to choose alife
without mistery i get to choose al ife
of awareenss knowing
that awareness is all there is that
life is always a matcch i get to life a life feeling grateful
i get to feel a
i get to
to livve a life feeling grateful i get to life
i get to live god
i get to live god i get to
to live knwoin
knowing i am i get to live knowing i am
i get to feel the energy of i am
i et
to say yes to life i get to say
yes to life i get to say yes to the flow to the flow of well
being to
i get to say yes to a life frr
free of misery
i nkwot he power of me i know the
poweer ofme i now the energy of me
i knwo me i now the pwer of me i nkwo that
i get to feel it now
i get tmake the choice and then just bee
just allow
just feel it now
the feeling drives all of life and the feeling is awarenss
grateful to get to choose
to get to choose to get to
to get to choose and ne v
never have to s
wonder to remembe that he tht the feeling