its me

im the source id ont need anyting th
to hapen i dont need a single thing to happen
and i love that for me

i lov that for me i love watching life
work out for me i love watcihg life fow
wrok out for me

who am i who am who am i
is alll i ever need to ow

wonder i love that i et to say ys
yes i loe that i now god loves me i love

i get to lt it i love that ig et to sa yes i love
that i never have to wondder i lovet
hat i d

knwo who i am i love seeing the effects
i love that its so eays
to allow the
in every miute i love that i now i love that
im tune with the god self

i nkow its me and its neverr no
the energy of me i love that i now this
i love that i nkow this
i love h
feeling the energy of god flowing through me

the feeling of me the feeling of release the feeling
of knowing the feeling of knowing
the feeling of knwoing i
the feeling of knowing the

feeling of knowing the feeling of knwoing the feeling
of not needing the feeling of totally fulfilled
feeling of being the source the feeling
of alow

allowing myself to be the source
to be it and not need it
i give it
not to receive becase i am

one who loves i love that i get to
becaes i know im god
becaue im
i know i am god


am the one and only god of my reality

i love that i dont have to care
that i get to accept everything that is
that i get to feel the

relief of the flow i love that
i get to

feel the relief of the flow i love that
i get to

feel the relief of the flow i get to

the knowing of god the nowing of the kkn
nowing of god

its me its me its me t
its the feeling of me its the feeling of me its

the feeling of me its the feeling of me its
the fee

i wanted this and im getting it i kow that life
is always unfolding e

according to my expectation
to my feeling to my knwoing i love that
i get to make it

i lvoe that i get to make ti i
i love that i get
to mak it

i love little touches that linger

i love lingering touch

i love hair pets i love
long warm embraces from behind
i love long eye contact

deep eye contact

erotic eye contact

i love payments from every direction
i love feeling abundanct

i love having more than enough i love that
the bills are pai i love that
we get to stay
i love that
we get to love i love that i nkow im
the sourcce

that i get to feel the god feeling
the feeling of deep acceptance
love that i get to do this wrok that
i get to get in the vortex and the i love

that i feel the god flowing the
god feeling i love that i don thave to care

i love that i hve time to do this
this work i love that
better it gets i lovet hat i
life go
is good that i get to just feel the feeling of lvoe