relentless pursuit of god


and that helps me remember what i’m doing here

the relentless pursuit of god

god love me no matter what
god sees that i’m trying god sees god knows
that i’m feeling for it
that i’m feel it

for it all the times and o

god loves me no matter what god loves me
my stu

my frustrations
god understands and loves me anyway
and i’m so gratefil i’m loved

i’m so grateful i’m loved

relentless and i know that’s all there is
that’s all that creates and i know this is true

i know through so much life experience
and i also know that the ip

pinnacle of feeling that i seek is
that feeling
it snot the feelnig of a certain amount of
its that feeling of total focus on god
that feeling of total knowing that
feeling of total knowing

relentless focus on god
relentless pursuit of god

relentless god training
and that’s all i need to remember

all i can ever do is come bak to this feeling of god

to ask if god is here with me in this moment

ask if god is here with me in this moment

relentless god training
and that’s all there is and that’s all i seek
and thats

that’s all that could possibly be missing
ever and i love that i know that i know
i know that wehn

wehn god is here with me
ther est isn’t

and that’s all there is
i love that i know this
that i get to feel it that
i get to feel the magcik
of life

the feeling of a heightened life
and empowered life and that is the
feeling i seek that is what i want to feel
tuned in tapped in turned on by life

and that happens right here in now

now som

not wome

somewhere in the future
so i choose it now i choose it know
and i know

i choose it now and i know its power
relentless pursiut

relentless god training that’s my only job

relentless relentless relentless

never letting up

always inviting god always

consulting god always feeling loved by god

always feeling the love and acceptance of god
always feeling loved and accepted and understood

i know i am loved
accepted and understood

i allow myself to heal
i allow myself to rel

i get to choose to love and
be kind i choose to love and be kind

i give the love
god gives me i give the love god gives me

and its easy to give the love that
i know is flowing through me


its not about what other people do
its about how i react

how i handle it
i handle it with god i handle it with ease

relentless and i feel it
i now that i know that faith is my fortune

i know that

i know my consciousness of god is mysupply

relentlessly pursue god
pursue tieh fe

the feeling of total
release of total

letting go of total knkowing
no resistance

that is god that feeling is god and i can
feel it in any situation
it is my only work it is my only job on this earth
and its so easy

its the easiest thing and it drives all of life
i love that i know ths i love htat i know this
i love that i get to create it
right now in every moment i get to create it
in every moment i get to create it

relentless pursuit of that feeling
i know so well and that’s
all i could ever hope to achieve
that feeling that’s it

tha’ts the pinnacle
i love that i know i love tat

that i know it tha ti get to
feel it right nowt hat it’s
already right here and now that i get to

feel it

relentless pursuit of the feelng of
god knowign that’s all ther is
and i can let the rest go

that’s part of the feeling

it’s trusting god totally
and letting the rest go

it’s r

trusting god totally and letting the rest go

relentless pursuit of that feeling of totally
letting god and totally trusting life
trusting the feeling of knwoing
and that is my po

only work that is the only pursuit that is the only pursi

pursuit and i feel it so fully
it has me excited
it has me elated it has me feeling great it has me

loving myself i can love myself i can believe in myself i can
believe in myself i can do i i can work through i can

can allow myself tow ork throught eh

the block i allow things to
get to me really easily

i’ve noticed this

even though i do this i still love and
accept myself

i don’t have to allow anything to get to me
i can allow it allow to drift over me
in favor of feeling good i

choose to feel good i choose i choose to feel good

i choose to have fun i choose to feel good i know i can do it

i believe in myself because i know ni

i’m not a victim of my thoughts and i get to choose
the version i act out

i get to choose the version i act out
the version i live and i’m not a victim
of it
i get to choose it its up to me

what ever

version do it want??

am i willing to take responsibility for th version i see
for the version of me???

relentless and that’s all it is

do the work to find god first
and that’s all i can do and all of life
will follow

so grateful to know this and remember it
i’m willing to do the work
to feel the only feeling worth feeling

so grateful to do the work
the relentless god training and knowing that
this is all there is

thank you!!