the particles

it feels good to focus and line up the particles
it feels good to say yes to the truth
of life to trust everything that is
it feels good to feel the version i prefer and know

it is it feels good to choose the
version to feel the version to feel the dies

tides turn it feels good to feel the tides
to feel good to look for love to focus on love
to line up the particles as love
to love the particles
it feels good to kknow that
to know that everything


an illusion
and i’m so glad i know i’m so glad i know

i love that life is always working out for me
i love that i know there is always
more than enough
i know that there is always more than enough i know
that there is

always more than enough i know that
there is always more than enough i love that
there is so much to love
and i love feeling uplifted in my life

i love feeling uplifted in my life
i love feeling

uplifted in my life

i love the focus of life i love the
flow of life i love feeling good
i love feeling good in life i love feeling
the flow of life i love
feeling the flow of life

flowing through me i love
that i know i love that
ig et to
get to choose
get to know

and it’s that easy i love that
i get to choose i love that i am

aware of the version i create
and i love that i get to chosoe
to know

i love that i get to choose to know
i love that
i get to choose to know i love

that i get to choose
to know i love that

life is good i love
that life is good that love is good

and that
everything is always working out

i know the truth to life i know that life
is love i know that life
is love i know that life is love i know that
life is love i know

that life

is love i know that life is love i know that
life is focus life

is knowing the knowledge
and the knowledge is right here for all i love
that i get to feel good now that i get to
focus that i get to

line up the energy i can always
line up the energy i love that
i can always

line up the energy i love
that i can always line up the energy
the expectaiton

the knowing
the knowledge

i feel good i feel good i feel good
i feel good i feel
good i feelt he r
the rise the

the rise the flow rising i feel the flow
i feel the firs
the flow
i feel the particlesali

i feel the particls align


the particles i feel life
feeling good i feel

i feel myself letting go
of the rest i feel myself
letting go of the rest
and aligning with the
here and now i aling

the particles i decdie
what i want to hear what i will hear
an di celebeate

knowing that i decide to feel
good to feel good to feel elevated
to love to love to love

only this moment only this moment
everybody’s free

to feel good everybody’s free

to feel good
to feel good
to feel good

i’m free
i’m free

i’m free

to feel good

i love that no matter what i
get to choose and i can always choose
the alignmet i can

i can always choose alignment no matter
what i can always choose

to release resistance

release fear
i can always release
the unknown
i can awlays

release anything nnot
in not

not in this here and now
i can always release anything
not in this here and now
in his

this here and now

i can always release i can always
celebraet i can

always feel good i can aways f
always feel good and feel free
and feel free

i can always feel free
i can walys


feel free in this
here and ow
i can always feel good now
feel good now feel good now

i can always focus within and feel the
particles aligning
i can always feel the particles aligning
i can always allow

life to flow through me i can
always allow life to flow through me
i can alwasy

say eys

yes thank you

i get to choose certainty
i get to choose the version i get
to act as if i get to act
as if i get to
act as if

i get to act as if
i get to act as if

i get to act as if i get to act as if

it feels good to know it feels good
to know it feels good to know it feels
good to know

it feels good to choose
knowing and then you don’t have to wonder

it feels good to choose knowing
and never have to wonder
to just let go of wondering
and then life
is perfect in the here and now

when you let go of everything else

you see that life is already perfect
the way it is you see that life
is alreayd perfect


i love that ig et to choose
to get

get to align the energy and know
that life has no choice but
to relfect

know that life

that iss the

the sc iene
of the whole thing

when you now you know

when you know you know

when you know you knkow

whhen you
know you kknow

when you know

you know

when you know

you know you

when you nokw w
somethig is gonig to happen

it does